Let me ask you a few questions. WHAT ARE YOU WORKING ON THESE DAYS?
I promise you this EXPERIENCE will help your manifestation goals, whether planning a wedding, a bucket list, retirement, education goals, family summertime, a road trip, income streams, or a mission plan. Once you have created the vision board, it will become invaluable to fulfilling your dreams.
This virtual experience will take you deeper than other vision board parties as you select your visual representations to place on a project board. It is an EXPERIENCE that will have you own your success and declare, “I AM GONNA GET IT DONE!”
The online version of the Restorative Vision Boarding Experience, a personal development workshop, was explicitly created to reach and empower more individuals who cannot attend the face-to-face EXPERIENCE led by Coach Eugenia.
The workshop design allows you to complete it at a comfortable pace within four weeks for an introductory price of $65.00. This price is the best part; you can reuse, not recycle, the whole experience again because you will own it.
While on this journey, you will experience four major roads to success. They are:
Transform your mindset (to)
Experience Manifestation (by)
Restoring anything lost (which will)
Increase your prosperity
Let me point you in the right direction with a road map to MANIFESTATION - One Vision at a Time!
Own the package today!
Payment Options:
1. Click here to create a Paypal account OR
2. Direct Deposit: Butterfield Bank, Eugenia L. Robinson, 15 Boundary Crescent, Devonshire, Account No: BNTB 0604017490013
3. For more information Email contact@eugenialrobinson.com
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